Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Naturally Me! Facial Care

Let me just say thank you to all who have the opportunity to read my daily blogs.  I want to single out two women who have been super supportive my daily readers Rosalind and Lisa you ladies ROCK!! and I appreciate you both.

Now, let’s talk face.

I have the opportunity to look at a lot of faces each day.  I love to skin watch.  I get a lot of inspiration from people.  Let’s face it, if you can’t see the problem, how are you going to fix it?  Most people that I speak with say that they stopped trying to find solutions to their skin care problems.  PEOPLE NEVER GIVE UP!  There are always solutions to any problems.  You just have to tackle it in the correct manner.

I get a lot of people who ask what I do for my skin.  It’s simple; I keep it clean, hydrated and moisturized.  I remember from an earlier age that if I don’t take care of my skin, my skin will not take care of me.  Each morning, I do my three step process.  1- Cleanse, 2-Hydrate, 3- Moisturize.  I repeat the process at bedtime.  We all know that the body repairs itself while we sleep and following a routine at night will help the skin replenish the damages of the day’s activities. 

We tend to forget those steps because we are either too busy or we don’t know what products to use.  Cleansing is an important step to healthy skin, by cleansing you have the opportunity to remove dirt and the days grime from your face.  Think about what I am about to say and you will agree.  Each day, we are in constant contact to someone in your space (face).  There you have an important reason for wanting to keep your face clean.

Another question that I also receive a lot is about eczema and acne and what natural skin care products I make to assist with these conditions.  I have several products that I use and continue to use for myself and now for my customers.   It is my opinion and I mean my opinion that you should constantly change products.  I constantly rotate my products for my face because after a while I believe that your skin becomes accustom to what you are using and after a while you will experience the resurfacing of certain problems again. I also find that when I change up products every few months my skin feels renewed.

My three step process consists of me never going to bed without cleaning my face.   It’s important to keep in mind that your skin is an organ that will absorb whatever you choose to put on it.  Also, keep in mind that if you choose to say skip a day/night that your pores can get clogged and that will get you to the land of acne, blackheads and breakout.  That’s one land that I don’t want to ever visit again.  The price for Admission is expensive.

Cleansing your face is not hard, get into a routine.  Before you go to bed, use only natural cleansers and I can tell you we have a great line of natural cleansers available at  hydrating the skin is also important; I use either a Rose, Lavender or Orange facial mist after I use my facial cleanser. My favorite is the Rose because it is an uplifting scent for me.  Finally, I end it all with my Argan Oil Night Cream.  Love it.  In the morning my face is absolutely soft and ready to begin another day. 

Don’t worry, eczema sufferers, we have you covered.  We have a thicker formula that helps with these problem areas as well.  

Pictures are: Lavender & Rose Facial Toner, Sea Buckthorn Berry Facial Cleanser, Manuka Honey Facial Cleanser, Argan Oil Night/Day Facial Moisturizer.


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